Plestiodon inexpectatus Taylor – Southeastern Five-lined Skink
Plestiodon inexpectatus Taylor – Southeastern Five-lined Skink

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     Exact locality, based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Exact locality, based on literature record believed valid
     Approximate locality based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Approximate locality based on literature record believed valid
     County record only, based on specimens or photographs examined
     County record only, based on literature report believed valid
     Type locality
?      Questionable and/or problematic record

Taxonomy: According to de Queiroz and Reeder (2012), Plestiodon inexpectatus is a monotypic species. 

Distribution: The distribution of P. inexpectatus is poorly known in Tennessee.  Existing records span the breath of the state with three areas of concentration: southern tier counties of southwestern Tennessee, cedar glades of Wilson and Rutherford counties, and the mountainous region bordering North Carolina from Cocke County south to the Georgia line. Records also exist from the Reelfoot Lake area in Obion County. 

Museum Records by Counties: BentonAPSU 4397.  BlountGSMNP 3843, 3844, 10885.  DavidsonAPSU 19871.  FayetteAPSU 12987. GrundyAPSU 16465.  HardemanAPSU 16859, 16860; UMMZ 97448. McNairyAPSU 19308.  MonroeFLMNH 22413-22416, uncataloged (13 specimens).   ObionAPSU 14174, 14177. PerryAPSU 12076. PolkFLMNH uncataloged (2 specimens). RheaFLMNH uncataloged (1 specimen). ShelbyAPSU 12071-12075, 14419, 16701, 17282.  StewartAPSU 112.  SumnerAPSU 16206.  WilsonMTSU 44L-47L; NCSM 9177, 9178; TTU 404, 740; UMMZ 117552. 

Literature Sources by Counties: AndersonMoody (2013), Byrd and Fox (2017).  Blount King (1939), Huheey and Stupka (1967).  DavidsonHromada and Gienger (2018).  FranklinCampbell (2013).  KnoxSeddon and Klukowski (2012).  McNairyButterfield et al. (2012).  RutherfordNiemiller et al. (2011), Seddon and Klukowski (2012).  SevierSeddon and Klukowski (2012).  WilsonEllis (1968), Jordan, et al. (1968), Jordan (1986), Niemiller et al. (2011), Seddon and Klukowski (2012). 

Questionable and/or Erroneous Records: None. 

Conservation Status: None.

Posted: 23 July 2009

Latest Revision: 19 November 2018

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