Nerodia fasciata (Linnaeus) – Southern Watersnake
Nerodia fasciata (Linnaeus) – Southern Green Watersnake

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     Exact locality, based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Exact locality, based on literature record believed valid
     Approximate locality based on specimen(s) or photographs examined
     Approximate locality based on literature record believed valid
     County record only, based on specimens or photographs examined
     County record only, based on literature report believed valid
     Type locality
?      Questionable and/or problematic record

Taxonomy: Three subspecies of Nerodia fasciata are currently recognized (Crother 2012).  According to Conant and Collins (1998), N. f. confluens (Broad Banded Watersnake) is the subspecies found in Tennessee. 

Distribution: Gentry (1956) described the Southern Watersnake’s distribution in Tennessee as counties along the Mississippi River and especially common in Reelfoot Lake.  We believe this is likely still an accurate description, even though documented records are lacking for Tipton and Lauderdale counties. 

Museum Records by Counties:   DyerLSUMZ 43981.  FayetteAPSU 12395.  LakeAPSU 2170; AUM 1933;KU 21802, 82973, 204354; LSUMZ 76891, 77093; MoSU R3185; MSU 1556, 1557; SIU R-3024, R-4129; TTU 455; UIMNH 15777; UTKVZC 4710, 6737.  ObionAPSU 2114, 2163, 2165, 2173, 2891; KU 82976; MSU 1037, 1043, 1047, 1111-1113, 1306; UMMZ 70726.  ShelbyAPSU 12284, 12521, 12874, 15969-15972, 16200, 16665. 

Literature Sources by Counties:  DyerGibbons and Dorcas (2004).  FayetteGibbons and Dorcas (2004).  LakeParker (1948), Endsley (1954), Hess (1966), Scudder and Burghardt (1983, 1984), Gibbons and Dorcas (2004).  ObionRhoads (1895), Parker (1937a, 1948), Gibbons and Dorcas (2004), Goodman and Monks (2006).  ShelbyParker (1948), Gibbons and Dorcas (2004). 

Questionable and/or Erroneous Records: None. 

Conservation Status: None. 

Posted: 21 December 2009

Latest Revision: 18 February 2010

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This document is being adapted to the WWW by Jean Langley, Floyd Scott, and Rusty Smith.