New County Records and Other Data Since 1996

Plethodon glutinosus (Green) - Northern Slimy Salamander
Plethodon cylindraceus (Harlan) - White-spotted Slimy Salamander
Plethodon mississippi Highton - Mississippi Slimy Salamander

Since publication of Atlas of Amphibians in Tennessee (Redmond, W. H. and A. F. Scott. 1996. The Center for Field Biology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN. 94 pp.), several reports of new county records have appeared in the literature. Bibliographical information for those pertaining to P. glutinosus, P. cylindraceus, and P. mississippi is listed below by counties, which are arranged alphabetically:

County Records for Plethodon glutinosus

Bedford County

Glorioso, B. M., and M. L. Niemiller.  2006.  Geographic distribution: Plethodon glutinosus.  Herpetol. Rev. 37:485.

Hancock County

Daniels, S. D., S. A. Dykes and R. L. P. Wyatt. 2012. New amphibian and reptile county records for eight counties in East Tennessee, USA.  Herpetol. Rev. 43:313-315.

Hickman County

Anderson, D. 2004. Geographic distribution: Plethodon glutinosus. Herpetol. Rev. 35:280.

Jefferson and Washington counties 

Miller, B. T. and M. L. Niemiller. 2011. Slimy Salamander Complex. Pp. 192-195 In M. L. Niemiller and R. G. Reynolds (eds.), The amphibians of Tennessee. The University of Tennessee Press, Knoxville. 369 pp.

Marshall County 

Foster, N. and C. Conway. 2013. Geographic distribution: Plethodon glutinosus. Herpetol. Rev. 44:619.

Macon County 

Fulbright, M. C. and M. D. Wagner.  2013.  Geographic distribution: Plethodon glutinosus. Herpetol. Rev. 44:102. 

Moore County

Brinkman, B., C. Abbey-Carlton, and S. Fletcher. 2001. Geographic distribution: Plethodon glutinosus. Herpetol. Rev. 32:268.

Trousdale County

Glorioso, B. M. and J. Pruett.  2007.  New records for amphibians and reptiles from Trousdale County, Tennessee.  Herpetol. Rev. 38: 247-248. 

County Records for Plethodon cylindraceus


County Records for Plethodon mississippi

Gibson County 

Hall, J.M.  2008.  Geographic distribution: Plethodon mississippi.  Herpetol. Rev. 39:232.